How do you calculate the ROI of the GR100 surveillance robot?

At first glance, the patrol robot appears to be an innovative, cost-effective solution for modern safety and security. It allows concrete data to be used to project the potential savings resulting from its use. This could include savings linked to incident prevention, gains in operational efficiency, predictive data analysis, etc.

1. Financial benefits of the GR100 robot

À première vue, le robot patrouilleur se positionne comme une solution innovante et rentable pour la sécurité et de la sûreté moderne. Il permet d’utiliser des données concrètes pour projeter les économies potentielles résultant de son utilisation. Cela peut inclure des économies liées à la prévention des incidents, des gains d’efficacité opérationnelle, des analyses de données prédictives…

To assess its financial impact, here is a list of its advantages:

Initial cost of the robot

At Running Brains Robotics, our robots are available on a rental basis. This includes installation, staff training, maintenance (labour and spare parts) and software updates. For the calculation to be meaningful, it is necessary to compare this with the costs associated with a traditional security solution.

Integration with existing infrastructure

The ROI calculation must also take into account the integration of the robot into the existing infrastructure. The GR100, designed to adapt to pre-existing surveillance systems, minimises transition costs.

Reducing operating costs

Replacing manual surveillance tasks with the robot significantly reduces labour costs, while ensuring a constant and effective presence. The robot also minimises the costs associated with human error. This translates into substantial savings in the long term.

Optimising human resources

The robot's ability to carry out automated patrols frees up security personnel to concentrate on more complex missions, optimising the human resources available.

Prevention of material losses

The robot's deterrent presence combined with its detection and sensor functions help to prevent incidents before they become major problems (theft, malicious acts, gas leaks, fire, etc.). This prevents material and financial losses.

Operational efficiency and greater responsiveness

Automated data capture enables immediate reaction to potential incidents, reducing response times and minimising potential damage to installations. The GR100, equipped with sophisticated sensors and advanced navigation capabilities, improves the efficiency of inspection and surveillance operations. Responding quickly and accurately to incidents can minimise potential damage.

Improved brand image

The use of cutting-edge technologies enhances the company's reputation for safety, which can have a positive impact on customers and partnerships.

Contact us to find out how the GR100 can secure your operations 24/7

2. Enhancing the role of safety and security officers

Optimising budgets not only means reducing costs, but also enhancing the role of those responsible for safety and security. The introduction of external surveillance robots makes it possible to reallocate human resources to tasks requiring specific expertise, while entrusting the machines with more repetitive tasks.

Focus on analysis

Security guards can concentrate on analytical tasks, such as interpreting the data collected by the GR100 and making strategic decisions.

Managing complex situations

By freeing security guards from routine tasks, the GR100 allows them to concentrate more on more complex missions requiring a detailed understanding of nuances and contexts. This adds value to human skills in situations where technology alone is not enough.

Specialist training

Safety and security operators can now benefit from more specialised training, drawing on their human expertise where it is most needed. This raises the overall skill level of the security team.

Proactive prevention

Thanks to the GR100's predictive analysis, security teams can adopt a proactive approach to incident prevention. This ability to anticipate threats avoids the potential costs associated with unforeseen incidents.

3. Automated data capture and value creation

Automated data capture by autonomous robots like the GR100 is revolutionising the way safety is ensured in industrial environments. As well as improving surveillance, it opens the door to value creation through greater responsiveness and more judicious use of available resources.

Real-time data analysis

Another major advantage of the GR100 is its ability to collect and analyse data in real time. This feature enables rapid response to incidents and constant optimisation of security strategies.

Reduced intervention time

Autonomous robots enable real-time surveillance, reducing the time needed to react to a potential threat.

Predictive analysis

Automated data collection feeds predictive analyses, enabling the anticipation of potential threats, disasters and stoppages, and promotes preventive and proactive maintenance.

Optimising the tasks of security and safety officers, coupled with automated data capture, creates a synergy that goes beyond simply reducing costs. It’s the promise of enhanced security, improved responsiveness and the development of human skills in a world where technology is becoming an essential partner. In this complex ecosystem, the GR100 robot represents not just an expense, but an investment strategy that redefines the way we think about industrial safety. ROI robot GR100 thus becomes an indicator of the evolution towards intelligent and profitable safety.

Find out more about the technical specifications of the GR100 outdoor robot
Alix Oudin

Head of Marketing & Communication at Running Brains Robotics

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