5 prerequisites for integrating the GR100 robot into your safety strategy

This checklist helps you to assess your current security and safety needs and validate that the GR100 security robot is suited to the site environment… but it’s not enough to bring your project to a successful conclusion.
That’s why we’ve added the elements you need to visualise the Running Brains Robotics offer and budget for the robot’s integration.
Thanks to this checklist, you’ll have everything you need to convince your management of the profitability of this innovation in your safety and security plan!

Checklist 5 prérequis pour intégrer le robot GR100

Download the checklist ⏬

About us

The robotics brand Running Brains Robotics, was created to address the safety issues of industrial and strategic sites. Running Brains Robotics today offers the GR100, the first autonomous monitoring robot Made in France dedicated to the inspection of strategic sites.

The strength of the GR100 Robot is to operate two businesses simultaneously:
🔐 Safety: surveillance and detection of intruders
🔐 Security: intelligent image processing, thermal measurements and other sensors…

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