Autonomous security robots and monitoring drones: the winning duo of modern private security

Integrating innovative technologies is becoming increasingly important in the field of private safety and security. In fact, those responsible for inspection and surveillance are turning to two promising solutions to ensure optimum protection of sensitive sites: autonomous security robots and flying surveillance drones.
 But how do you choose between these two solutions? Are they complementary or opposed?
In this article, we take a look at the advantages, disadvantages and synergies of these new technologies, which are revolutionising the protection of secure sites.

1.Surveillance drones: guardians of the skies

Flying drones, with their agility and ability to cover vast areas quickly, have rapidly gained popularity in modern security. Their usefulness lies in their ability to fly over hard-to-reach areas, providing a real-time overview. Equipped with high-definition cameras and sophisticated sensors, these drones can patrol over areas inaccessible to ground-based robots, offering an interesting aerial perspective. Taking the energy sector as an example, drones can patrol over vast fields of solar panels or wind turbines, providing an instant overview of the installations and enabling rapid repair in the event of a malfunction.

Advantages of flying drones :

The disadvantages of security drones :

2. Autonomous security robots: ground guards

Autonomous security robots, such as the GR100, designed to patrol and monitor at ground level, are an effective complement to the work of drones. Equipped with sophisticated sensors, these robots provide a continuous physical presence over a wide perimeter and automate pre-defined actions.

Let’s take a chemical production site as an example. A robot such as the GR100 patrols the entire site to detect any suspicious activity and reports it immediately to the security operators. At the same time, it inspects the installations to detect potential leaks, measure gas emissions and provide data in real time, enabling rapid intervention in the event of an incident.

The disadvantages of security robots :

However, autonomous security robots have their own challenges:

Aware of this, at Running Brains Robotics we have chosen to rent our robots. Our all-inclusive* offer means that our customers can quickly measure a positive return on their investment.

3. Ground robot and security drone, the winning duo

Rather than seeing drones and ground-based robots as competing solutions, players in the security and private safety sectors should exploit their complementary nature. The simultaneous use of flying drones and autonomous security robots enables a global approach to outdoor surveillance. Let’s take a chemical production site as an example. A robot such as the GR100 patrols the entire site to detect any suspicious activity and reports it immediately to the security operators. At the same time, it inspects the installations to detect potential leaks, measure gas emissions and provide data in real time, enabling rapid intervention in the event of an incident.

  • Coordination of patrols: the ground robots patrol autonomously 24 hours a day, while the drones can carry out regular aerial patrols. This means that the areas monitored can be very extensive.
  • Real-time communication: real-time alerts from the drones and robots enable teams to work together effectively, improving responsiveness to potential threats.
  • Centralised data analysis: the data collected by the drones and robots can be centralised and analysed, providing reliable, regular and usable information for proactive security.

4. Logistical and financial considerations before integrating robot and/or drone

Before adopting a security drone and/or an autonomous outdoor robot, professionals in the private security sector need to consider the financial, logistical and human aspects.
From a logistical point of view, integrating these technologies requires careful planning to ensure smooth implementation. Companies need to assess staff training requirements, adapt existing infrastructures and put in place effective communication protocols between drones, robots, and the control centre. A drone will require more logistical set-up than a robot like the GR100, for example.

In financial terms, although the initial investment may seem substantial, it is essential to consider the long-term benefits. Operational costs can be reduced thanks to proactive monitoring, rapid intervention in the event of an incident, and a reduction in potential losses. It is also crucial to take into account the savings made by preventing material damage and operational disruption.
It’s vital not to overlook the costs involved in maintaining drones and ground robots, as well as the regular updates required to stay at the cutting edge of safety. At Running Brains Robotics, for example, our RaaS offer includes software upgrades, maintenance and spare parts.

On the human side, internal communication is essential to ensure the integration and acceptance of these technologies by the teams in the field. As far as the robot is concerned, it will help to improve working conditions for operatives by reducing drudgery and risks. These 2 technologies will also help to enhance the role of safety officers by relieving them of time-consuming tasks.

Ultimately, the transition to this new era of private security requires a thorough analysis of costs, benefits and constraints, combined with a long-term strategic vision. Professionals who manage to balance these logistical and financial considerations will be better positioned to take full advantage of the potential offered by surveillance drones and autonomous vigil robots.
By investing wisely in this technological convergence, they can not only enhance their security, but also position their company at the forefront of innovation in the field of private safety and security.

Simulate savings by combining the robot efficiency to your team!
Alix Oudin

Head of Marketing & Communication at Running Brains Robotics

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