Include the GR100 patrol robot in your budget projection

In the field of private security and safety, budget projection plays a central role, representing the financial foundation that guides strategies and action plans. Faced with emerging threats and operational imperatives that demand constant adaptation, private security and safety professionals are turning to innovative solutions such as the GR100 patrol robot. However, introducing a new technology means assessing its profitability…
The added value of a solution like the GR100 goes beyond a simple financial equation. Assessing the profitability of this new technology requires an informed and comprehensive approach. With
this in mind, we look at the challenges inherent in safety budgeting and give you the tools you need to calculate the ROI of the GR100 robot.

1. The GR100 rondier robot in your budget projection

Budgeting is a complex equation, ranging from potential threats, to personnel, to the technology deployed. The allocation of resources must be meticulously planned to ensure effective protection while optimising costs. This is where the integration of autonomous surveillance robots, such as the GR100, comes into its own.

In the quest for financial balance, here are a few factors to consider:

🔵 Risk analysis

  • Identify specific vulnerabilities in your industrial (or other) environment
  • Consider emerging threats and security trends
  • Prioritise risks according to their potential impact

🔵 Assessment of operational needs

  • Identify critical areas requiring increased surveillance
  • Identify repetitive tasks that could be optimised by automation
  • Consider the specific requirements of your business sector

🔵 Technology integration

  • Evaluate the initial acquisition costs of autonomous robots
  • Consider the costs of staff training and systems integration
  • Anticipate maintenance and technology upgrade costs
  • Calculate the profitability of the robot’s permanent rounds
  • Take into account the costs of maintenance and spare parts for the robot

🔵 Human factors

  • Analyse the impact on the existing workforce
  • Consider the potential savings from reducing human error
  • Assess staff reaction to the introduction of technology

The projection of a security and safety budget must be dynamic, adjusting to constant changes in threats and technologies. This is where the GR100 cost-benefit calculation comes in.

2. The difficulties of projecting a safety and security budget

Integrating a new solution such as the GR100 autonomous robot into a security budget projection can be complex. This raises important questions about how security managers can optimise their financial resources while improving operational efficiency.
The difficulty lies in the need to forecast not only the initial acquisition and implementation costs, but also to assess the long-term impact on key performance indicators (KPIs) and risk indicators (KRIs). The introduction of an innovative technology can lead to substantial changes in operational processes, requiring careful analysis of the new risks introduced and the opportunities that arise. The aim: to anticipate the necessary adjustments and ensure ongoing optimisation of the financial resources allocated to safety and security.

There is a real complexity in the factors to be considered when projecting safety and security budgets. Incorporating these changing factors into a fixed budget becomes a real headache. Especially as risks are constantly evolving, and conventional solutions may be limited in their ability to adapt quickly. This is where calculating ROI comes into its own, by assessing how each euro invested generates tangible added value.

🔷 Challenges for those responsible for budget projections:

  • Uncertainty over the evolution of threats
  • Need for flexibility to adapt quickly to changing scenarios
  • Constant pressure to maintain a balance between cost and efficiency
  • Potential hidden costs of necessary training, regular maintenance and technological upgrades
  • Rigidity and cost of traditional security systems in the face of new threats
  • Combining human costs and investment in new autonomous technologies
  • ROI calculation: initial costs, savings and long-term operational benefits
  • Reactivity in the face of a shortage of qualified staff

This is where the introduction of technologies such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT) changes the game. The effectiveness of these new security solutions needs to be factored into the projection.

ROI calculator
Calculate the profitability of a GR100 robot on your site

3. Focus on the profitability of the GR100 outdoor robot

The GR100, Running Brains Robotics’ flagship product, represents the cutting edge of autonomous industrial safety. Its use promises not only to optimise operational performance, but also to reduce the associated risks. To quantify these benefits, calculating the profitability of the GR100 is a crucial step.

Calculating the profitability of the GR100 is not limited to a simple financial equation, but encompasses a holistic view of the positive impact on all industrial operations.

🔘 Moderate initial cost

  • Monthly subscription with no hidden charges
  • Integration into existing site infrastructure with no installation required
  • Free robot installation and staff training

🔘 Reducing operating costs

  • 100% autonomous robot, available 24 hours a day, whatever the weather
  • Reduction in man-hours required for surveillance
  • Minimise the costs associated with human error
  • Process optimisation thanks to the robot’s speed of execution

🔘 Improving operational efficiency

  • Real-time analysis of collected data
  • Instant response to security incidents
  • Constant, exhaustive monitoring of predefined zones

🔘 Prevention of material losses

  • Proactive risk detection
  • Rapid intervention to avoid or minimise damage
  • Reduced claims costs

🔘 Adaptability to complex environments

  • The GR100’s ability to operate in difficult conditions
  • Reducing the costs associated with human safety in hostile environments
  • Flexibility in the face of changing safety requirements

🔘 Customise settings

  • Adaptation to the specific characteristics of each industrial sector
  • Integration of data specific to the operating environment

🔘 Analysis of costs and potential savings

  • Estimated initial acquisition and integration costs
  • Projecting maintenance costs over the robot’s lifetime
  • Quantification of savings linked to the reduction of security incidents

🔘 Scenario modelling

  • Simulation of different scenarios for using the GR100
  • Assessment of potential variations in costs and benefits
  • Anticipating the impact on ROI in different situations

🔘 Real-time update

  • Continuous integration of operational data
  • Dynamic adjustment of parameters according to changes in the context
  • Constantly accurate real-time ROI calculations

Calculating the ROI of an outdoor surveillance robot like the GR100 goes beyond simple financial forecasting, offering a proactive vision of the impact of this technology on the entire operational chain. It enables fine-tuned management of resources, aligning investment with tangible benefits.

In conclusion, the projection of a safety and security budget in industry must be guided by a careful analysis of risks and specific needs. Integrating the GR100 into this equation requires a rigorous assessment of its cost-effectiveness, taking into account not only financial aspects, but also operational gains and loss prevention. Calculating the ROI of the GR100 robot then provides a precise compass to guide you towards strategic optimisation of your investments. By embracing autonomous technology, industrial companies can not only enhance their safety, but also boost their operational efficiency, transcending the traditional boundaries between costs and benefits.

Contact us to find out how the GR100 can secure your operations 24/7
Alix Oudin

Head of Marketing & Communication at Running Brains Robotics

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