The toolbox for safety and security managers

Find all the tools you need to save time and help you set up your autonomous safety and security robot project.

outils pratiques running brains robotics
Systèmes de sécurité traditionnels et Robot rondier GR100

Table: Traditional safety systems and the GR100 Patrol Robot

In this comparison table, find out how the GR100 autonomous surveillance robot complements traditional security systems.

Access the table ➡️

quiz : évaluez votre maturité sur les robots rondiers autonomes

Quiz : Are you ready to integrate an Autonomous Patrol Robot?

12 questions to find out if you're ready to take your security and safety strategy to the next level!

Do the Quiz ➡️

Checklist 5 prérequis pour intégrer le robot GR100

5 prerequisites for integrating the GR100 robot into your safety strategy

In this interactive checklist, we give you the keys to assessing your needs, calculating profitability and setting up your GR100 autonomous mobile robot.

Get the Checklist ➡️

Fiche caracteristiques techniques GR100

Full technical data sheet of the GR10 inspection robot

Find all the technical specifications of the GR100 outdoor surveillance robot in this sheet.

Get the technical data sheet ➡️


Robot ROI simulator

Integrating a new technology into your security and safety strategy requires an overview of its cost-effectiveness. Use our free tool to simulate the ROI of a GR100 robot.

Calculate the robot's ROI ➡️